Monday, July 20, 2015

Pulling the trigger

Today was another day of monitoring. So here we see my two ovaries almost touching each other (they aren't really suppose to do that in real life) and in the middle, the shadowy ball is my uterus. Fun huh? The ultrasound tech said she wasn't sure what they were going to do with me since I had a batch of follies in the 18ish mm range and then a bunch in the 15-16mm range (we need 19-22mm). I finally got the call today at 4pm, as I was beginning to freak out about being forgotten about...
Turns out they wanted me to trigger!!! WOOOOO!!! So what a trigger shot does, is it tells the body to release the eggs, basically I take HCG to make me ovulate. I HAD to take it at 8:30 on the dot, 36 hours later (wednesday 8:30am) I need to be in the OR to have my retrieval  

Here is my trigger shot!

I have to draw up 1cc of diluent and mix it with the powdered HCG with that giantass needle you see there. Then I get to unscrew said godzilla needle and put on the little subq one. Way easier! However this time the needle caps wouldn't come off and I was afraid of yanking them and stabbing my finger so I ended up bending one of the little subq needles, good thing they send 2!

So if you happen to take a moment on wednesday morning, just send a little prayer my way for an easy surgery. Also that they can get the IV set on the first shot, without blowing out multiple veins and me having a crying hysterical moment when they cant do it but keep trying. Honestly, getting an IV is the worst part of this whole entire process. Needles in my belly all day erry day is no big deal its blood work and stupid IVs that are the big problem.

Until next time!

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