Thursday, July 23, 2015

Fert report!

I always want to sing "creature report, creature report cre-ture re-port!" but with "fert"

Out of the 15 eggs they retrieved 14 of them were mature and 8 of them fertilized.
So to break that down even further, ICSI (intra cytoplasmic sperm injection) is done to fertilize our eggs. The embryologist took a single sperm and injected it into a single egg 8 of them managed to successfully fertilize and begin to grow.

On transfer day they will pick the embryo with the most cells and the best letter grade. If it's below an 8BF then they will allow us to transfer two. 

So we will watch and wait, the embryologist will call me tomorrow and tell me how many cells each egg is and we will probably transfer on Saturday.

end of super short post!

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