Friday, June 19, 2015

Moving right along.

That beotch AF came around ON MY BIRTHDAY. fresh. But hey silver lining,  started the process of making a baby on my birthday? Started my birth control. Still weird that I have to take BCPs to have a baby, but such is the process.
Appointment updates  - monday physical fingers, toes etc crossed that my weigh in goes ok. Then wednesday I have a Hysteroscopy in Lexington. After I get that done they will put in to the insurance to order meds and start a cycle. I have to call them on the 30th to see if it has been approved. Then hopefully I would have a suppression check on July 6th and start stimming meds that night. Then about 10 days of those meds and I am ready for and egg retrieval (ER) followed by a 3 day transfer(3dt) (3 days after ER).

So here we go!! Now just to survive the last week of school!!!!

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